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Wednesday, November 4

lalaaaa hello poops
holidays are getting boring. there's nothing to do.
but hahaaa wheee my mum just bought wii. so the whole day me and my sis just play mario hahaa. its getting boring. D:

and we have new spit buckets D: i want the old one. i like the old one. where are they hahahaa
the new ones are breakable O: and now we are sitting on the podium, i dont think its a good idea to use them. what if ppl accidentally kick it down D: eee scary

played merry widow. hahaaa. i like merry widow :D esp 2nd trumpet part lalalaa.
but i cant play it. its too many semiquavers and quavers at the last part hahahaaa.

YAYE PAT TOLD ME BT'S NOT LEAVING UNTIL OUR BATCH LEAVES :D yaye our gwh for syf :D no mk :D hahahaaaaa

(oh. i wanna tell you dont make sense :D)
(oh. and i also wanna tell you STOP. you also have that problem bwahahahaaaa)

my granfather died. so i may have to skip some band pracs cos im going malaysia for a few days hahahaaa wheeee but idk when.

awwww sectionals on friday. i hope i dont get to not do anything. bleh

AHHHH they are annoucing our streaming thing in 9 days D: scary
i hope i get triple science :D wheeee

1:41 PM

Wednesday, October 28

hello people! wheeeeee
got back average marks today.
its a A2 D: 74

oh well
most people i know also only got A2 :D yaye! feel less demoralised now.

my marks are horrible!


haha how pathetic is that. 5 A2s and one A1 D:
so MAYBE i may not get 3ple science? awww mans
i wanna be in the same class as tina! hahahaaaaa

wheeee sec 2 trumpets = tina neoh! :D

but i dont think can. cos tina got so high for average.
80.2 and 78

haha ok. streaming
idk why but i chose full lit and elect hist
it was two subjects i nv thought i would choose at the beginning of the year. hahahaaa but oh well
i always do better for history than geog by one or two marks hahahaaaa. hmmm
hahaaa BT say maybe can come back one day early with mrs yeo!
hahahaaa BUT SHIT ..... AHHHHHHHHHH D: ask pat

5:21 PM

Wednesday, October 21

haha yaye EOYS are over.
but i just hate this asshole. asshole asshole asshole unreasonable freaking asshole. maybe you should just stop it. then i'll stop it. IDIOT. go away. dont come back. actually you have to everyday. bleh. how sad. or maybe just come back later. then i can see less of you. FAT ASSS. stupid loser.

i dont really like my marks D: its quite sad. hahahaaaa
except maybe chinese. WHOO! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 2009 AND PROBABLY IN 1 and a half years, I GOT AN A FOR CHINESE! WHEEEEEE. its a miracle! haha and on top of that, i got highest in class (of 6ppl) for chinese hahaha wheeeee. amazing. though cuo bie zi cost me an A1 D: but nvm. im happy i got A2! :D lalalaaaaaa

haha then goeg and history was total rubbish
its the lowest i ever got this yr. D: and it's deproving lalalaaa
and its the lowest grade i ever got this year
and the 2nd lowest in my life (c5/6 for LA in sec 1 D:)
hahhaaaaa bleh
those were my best two subjects and now they are the worst!
so maybe me shall take full lit
but me scared me fail
cos me alr fail poem test for EOY (maybe its just Fern)
but then again
AF and MOV were amazing. whoopee! :D
and will full lit be difficult? D:

hahaaa shit la must decide subject combi by this week ( ME THINKS)
and i have no idea what to choose besides trip science hahahaaa damn
last time i only had to decide hist or geog
now theres lit too
cos both hist and geog i cant really take hahahaaaaa.

then i was more to full lit and half hist
then i saw the hist topics
but geog also BORING
hahaaaa then howwwww
i want to do what ah pui did for hist last year. its on the russian revolution me thinks hahahaaaaa. that's more interesting
more interesting than SEA and singapore history D:

if its like that i dont mind sbq and seq hahaa but its not

maths.... AHHHHH i wanna scream. i had 7 (times 1.25 = 8.25) careless mistake marks in paper one D: and 2 in paper 2
add up total is 10.25 marks out of 100 D:

means 73.75+10.25= 84!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHHHHHH

so i lost my A1 too
as usual
so now i only have one pathetic A1 for science. bleh
and now my total CA1 CA2 and SA only has one A1 with an approximate average of 72. not even an A1. so how to get triple science hahaaaa ok nvm
then i take bio chem

but oh wells. ITS HOLIDAY SOON :D

6:42 PM

Monday, October 5

shit i just found out that tmr's not poem -.-
its just compre.
and poem is tog with AF and MOV. sheeets

8:04 PM

poshy's two yrs old now! :D cute cute poshy!

hahaaa ok geog i dieded. i went for exam without studying the last chapter. hahahaaa DIE.
and i minus 20+ marks alr. nv finish D: sad. i didnt finish 2 lorms. anyway i dont really know how to do hahaa. cos i cant memorise anything la.
lang arts. omg i should have memorised the essay from TLL. its the exact same compo question. POWER. hahahaa. i wanted to do it cos i rmbed some points for POWER. but i dun hv the stats. so ya. i think me will fail LA too.

the only paper im confident for is.... poem /compre test and chem paper, which, unfortunately, is lumped together with the other terrible sciences.

hahahaaa i really wanna take JUST CHEM! wheeeeee

oh and thanks conny for the MOV notes :D hahahaaaaa\
shall shower, eat and then memorise cheena stuff. or history. or maybe do some langarts speech thing. yupps. or watch 9 o clock show! HAHAHAA OK

7:28 PM

Monday, September 28

AHHHHHH lewis hamilton won singapore gp D: hahhaaaa ok . at least not button! hahahaaa. go barichello! win the championship. though i think maybe button will win after all. hahahaaaa. but i want barichello to win :D wheeee. hahaa he's alr 39 and spent 17 yrs racing. lalalaaaa.

hahaa i still rmb last yr he had to retire early then he wanted to throw his cap to the spectators. but he missed and the hat landed in the river BWAHAHAHAAAA

F1 is so nice :D watched the race on tv last night wheeee. adrian sutil's crash was funny. and nick heidfeld said that maybe sutil should go find some brains :D hahaaaaaaa.

but Button passed Barichello D:

hahaa at the end of the race when vettel finished, the brawn cars took so long to appear. the finally both cars appeared at the same time. i was like AHHHHHHHHHH. maybe barichello could have passed button hahahaaa. he was just THIS CLOSE to beating button! If not barichello could have made the gap between him and button in terms of points smaller.
Hahaaa but massa is still nicer :D too bad he had to crash in hungary.
And stoooopid timo glock. He got 2nd in the Singapore race. Why did he have to slow down at the end last yr and let lewis Hamilton pass him at the last race? HMMPF. Then massa couldn’t win!
Hahahaaa. F1 is nice :D

10:17 PM

Friday, September 25

hey everybody :D hahahaaaa
i just went blog hopping because my laptop suddenly has momentary access to the internet! hahhaaa. and i chanced upon something hilarious :D some angel tagged someone's blog and .... HAHAHAAA ok. its probably funny to only certain people. actually maybe quite alot of people :D BWAHAHAHAAA.
and i finally went on to fb after... 2 weeks i think :D
heh and i discovered something. GRRRRR not sure if its true yet luh. i shall go ask them! and they'll confirm it :D grrrrr.... it better not be true. if not you are evil hmmpf how could you.
but im quite happy if its true too. because because. but we'll be mad at you because because :D... i really dont know luh! ARRRRRRRRRRR
yeesh they are going yamaha factory of somtheing like that. I WANNA GO I REPEAT I WANNA GO D:
they are going to see how they make instruments! I WANNA SEE HOW THEY MAKE AWESOME TRUMPETS WHOOO. hahaaa ppl, take pics and videos on how to make a trumpet for me ok? :D


hahahaaa shiiiiit i really really wanna go. can mohan tee or yeo just change the date back? sobs. they'll all have fun in japan while im stuck at home just because it clashes ONE DAY -the last day- with another trip D:. BLEHHHHHHH ps: dont gloat

hmmf. sigh. and dont be sad... we love you! we dont dont like you D: hahaaaa.

shit EOYS. i havent been studying since monday. and i only started study on last friday? SHIT.
history. i was supposed to study tt on tues-fri (today). but i was slacking. shit. so so far i've only covered geog. only 8 chapters. still 2 more leh. and im still wasting time here. bleh! hahhaaaa
and im gonna waste another day tmr (physics time! must finish hist today - 6 chapters urgh) cos hv to go church for some childrens day carnival prep. sigh.... less studying time. ok not like i will study. less stoning/walking around time. haha thats more like it. yupps. LALALAALAAA
ok heres what i need to study shit:

-transport and communications
-global warming

-chapters 5-10! AHHHHHHHH

LANG ARTS is scary D:
-MOV notes
-memorise MOV quotes SHIT
-AF notes
-memorise AF quotes SHIT
-read metaphors etc for poem?
-revise letter writing etc format SHIT

-letter writingS format
-read baozhangbaodaos
-memorise stuff D:

-bio ALL CHAPTERS - omg no cannot!
-chem ALL CHAPTERS (ok.. not so scared cos its easy and recent)

-hahahaa SHIT. im scared for this subject! i'll have no time to finish paper D:
-everything cos i forgot all alr SHIT

SEEEE got so many things to study.... with... 10 days more?
hahaa seeee then im still here. i shall make myself disappear from here. BSHHHHHH

im gone

7:56 PM

Wednesday, September 23

this is a nonsense post :D

dont bother reading k :D

wheeeee i havent used the com for a looooong time D: ahahahaaa
lazy to switch the computer on ;D

JAPAN band TRIP! omg i could have went D: why did they go change the stupid stupid date! D: I WANNA GO JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN. hmpf im the only one in my section besides yuting who is going home to china who is not going! D: i wanna go tokyo disneyland with the band and my section. boo hoo

stupid thailand trip D:

shit EOYS are in 11 days?
ahhhh its coming very soon!
i havent studied anything yet except geog shit.
ok hahaaa
im not ready for EOYS before. i think i'll fail everything esp lang arts and maths. then maybe i'll get retained or go to 3CO D:
yupp hahaa SINGLE SCIENCE!. actually tts quite nice :D just chemistry will be so easy :D
i shell go study history with the remaining 25 mins in CS :D BYE BYE

9:01 AM

Sunday, September 6


aw man. my helper left today. after 11 yrs. hahaha gonna miss her. she's been here since my youngest sis was born. ok... like when she was 3months old! hahaaa

ok. JBF ytd. was bored to death. BLEHHHH. hahaa but amk junior band was really good! hahaa they sounded very nice almost sort of like the recording i think for ligh of dawn hahahaa. bleh and fu hua trumpet boys were so cute. and small!
and they play trumpet so nice D:
they play better than tingnaandmeD:
hahaaa primary school ppl leh
and OH! tt fuhuaboy played beyond the highlands solo!
me thinks it was better than when i played it last yr at JBF too omg haha
and he dared to stand up. AHHHHH
and marie too. she stood up for the BFITS solo (i dont like the solo. the melody not nice) and an extra 4 bars me thinks. scary. i would have dieded and fainted hahahaa. or just peed in my pants :D
and loyang was retarded. they started dancing on the chair halfway through their last song. hahaaa. was funny. and they were shaking their butts. tsk tsk so disgraceful. hahahaa ok jk.

twins and i didnt know what to gv them so they just bought 3 packs of mnms for them to share. lalalaa. so pathetic compared to what we received last yr. sorry la :D but we suck at choosing gifts lalalaa. ok i have short term memory i cant rmb anything else.

hahahaa holidays are here! i must start studying alr! hahaha oh yes subject combi
AHHHH SHIT. havent taken the interest survey. due today. in 36 mins! better hurry do AHH ok bye bye SHIT

10:50 PM

Thursday, September 3

hahahaa ok... blogger is weird again. ok whatever.

lalala now we have some streaming excercise (not real one) interest survey. they say it wont affect your the outcome of the real thing but it does! cos if more ppl choose phys then must hire more phys teachers right. but if we all decide to go bio then how? haha then wont there only be limited number of ppl who'll take bio? ok nvm.

lalala i want triple science. but i dunno if i can cope hahaha... cos physics is kinda boring. but i lazy to memorise for bio too. but i want trip science cos i dunno what i want to be when i grow up so ya... widen the path! wheeee

ok. and now... geog or history D: bleh. i like geog probably much more than history. BUT BUT BUT history i sort of do better than geog and i dont really hv to study. and history is more interesting than geog. and mr ang said SS uses same skills as history so dont need to study that much. sort of. like its more convenient. and conny said if take trip sc try not to take geog cos bio and geog usually on the same day (test). bleh so how... hahahaa.


using these three things mr ang gv for us to consider, uh...

ABILITY - both also can luh, but i THINK hist better than my geog?
INTEREST - GEOG! cos no SBQ all tt crap. BUT im more interested in history topics but i hate SBQ etc.
CONVENIENCE - HISTORY. cos its like SS and... for me i dont really hv to study much

so everything seems to favour history. eh... but geog seems nicer. but then again what if i dont do well for geog? and if i take hist will i study for it at all? or hate it cos im alr not doing my hist hw. hahaa 4 pieces of hw out of like... 12? i dread doing history. lalala so ypu see how? cant we just take elect geog/elect history and elect lit/ss bleh ok sucks.

ok nvm that for A WHILE :D

haha was asking pui and conny which subject was easier and so on :D
thanks pui and conny :D
sorry for disturbing :D

tuesday went kirsty's party whoo. it was fun! and there were many gays there. lalalaala. gays/guys. same thing. esp that gayshit. SHUQING I DONT LIKE THAT yellow guy. the ugly one k. i only like J... :D lalalalaaa

hahaa and kelyn's 'twin' benedict was there! hahaha. they really really look alike :D

played double whacko hahaa. and kirstys brother was there. luckily he didnt slap my butt. or get molested by him. sorry kirsty hahaa.

and ethan (kirsty's bro) kept stealing our rose to hit ppl in double whacko :D and while we were sitting by the pool (being animals in enclosures) he used the thing to take leafs out of the pool net to put water/insects on us haha ok he tried to.
but he's cute hahahaa.

ok yupps. honours day today was quite boring yawn. lalala and wheres the borders card D; i want borders card. hhahahaa the badge so flimsy and so difficult to pin on :D i took forever to pin it :D lalalala and i didnt know what to do when i went on stage. i just shook her hand and walked away. lalalala.
ok bye bye :D need to shower

8:39 PM

Monday, August 31

hahaha omg yaye! someone got what she/he deserved :D HAHA im damn happy. i bet they are too :D and its not our fault its your fault :D bla bla bla YAYE YAYE YAYE

haha yupps and to top that, our class won ACES Day dance thingy! whoots! yaye. i didnt think we would win haha but yaye! and 2CO ALSO won the 110th thingy (basketball, captains ball, rowing, cup stacking, 110 round race etc..)! so we have 2 sheets of yoghurt vouchers! YAYEEE

HAHA today while performing ACES day thing i had stagefright. all the sec 4s were in front watching :O scaryy

yupps and haha teachers day concert. the band ppl suddenly walked in while everyone was singing AHAHAHA

baked muffins for the teachers using the home econs recipe. haha turned out gross D; cos i added the wrong thing inside... SHHHHHHHHHHH
theres some sour sour taste :D who cares. i dont

hahahaaa. omg church for bbl class we are talking weird things again. bleh. aye aye indeed. datetable. -.-

haha saturday was the last band prac until EOYS are over D; sad. cos tmrs teachers day hmmpf. LALALA honours day is coming! yaye!

saturday we went for sectionals. boring as usual. hmmpf haha then BT came
and helped us with merry widow yaye :D but he played so loud it hurt my ears.\
and boo hoo i cant get the trumpety sound on my trumpet D: is it my embouchure or air bleh. i only get that sharp sound from high G onwards. lalala
and to get nice trumpet sound, we are supposed to listen to band music! haha yaye! and BT is burning one whole disk of band songs for us to listen to! lalala yaye! :D im happy.

hahaha wheeeeee

3:56 PM

Saturday, August 22

haha hello friends!
haha im not in church now having cell :D cos im sickk wheeee. im finally sick!
had fever 41.6 ytd so scary haha. so i didnt go for band today morning. but i dont mind. bands boooooring now, only have sectionals lalala. then after that my temperature dropped to 38.2 :D more than 3 degree drop whooo!
hahaaa but i dunno how i got sick :D
but my diarrhea is still here D; haha so i suddenly get stomach pain/cramp and feel like farting/pooing. haha and my fart stinks alot now wheeee... im annoying my sisters with it :D its a blessing in disguise!

yupps. so healthweek activity was sucky. well, mine was. stupid fencing. the location was also sucky. a big, dim hall with no ventilation! no windows, no fans. urgh made me sweat like crazy luh! and fencing is so gross and tiring. the mask!!! with everyone's sweat. and made my right shoulder pain hmmpf.

wednesday we sold bubbletea! and we only had 250 cups. and when the order forms came in, it was already like.. 213 cups sold! haha we underestimated the bubbletea thing. and we bought too little ice so we had to stop selling halfway D; so many people could not get their bbtea. i think it was very disorganised ya. and unhygenic too. but oh well it was fun! we were smashing ice on the floor and making so much noise and making all the tables wet and the floors too! wheee lalala so fun!

thursday we all had to stay back for 110 round race! AH!!! hahahaaaa so fun and tiring. IT GAVE ME ENTIRE BODY MUSCLE ACHE. except my head hahhaaaa. on friday, my stomach was so pain at the end of school hahah. when i laughed i felt like pooing. haha yupps ok
gtg byeeee

9:10 PM

Saturday, August 15

hahaha omg finally. i can use the internet! for the past week my laptop was so screwed. couldnt go internet. not that it can now luh. hahhaa so i still have to use the com in my mums room D; so sad... boo hoo hahahhaaaaaa

ok haha handover today. D; aw mans... bye bye conny lingli jessica ru yue michelle and eugenie. will miss you alot hahahaaa
ru yue didnt come for handover D; cos she got bridging course. aw man... i havent seen ru yue for such a looooong time. sigh...
went to school so early today hmpf. cos sec 1s had to go sch at 8.15 to do drills. aiyoh hahahaa. then just stone there until the twins came hahaaa. hmmm... then we went for sectionals. we slacked quite alot after playing loch lomond and merry widow. played mouse and overture! and blue ridge hahahaaa. then went to change into band u even though it was too early. then after that we fell in at the courtyard. uniform check lasted FOREVER. omg so hot and tiring luh. then ran to the track to fall in AGAIN. then ya. was already very warm and tired then still had to stand there and wait till the whole thing was over hahhahaaa :D quite funny some parts. wheeeee

hahaaa went back to band rm. AIRCON. and water :D

then trumpet section went out to exchange gifts/letters. aw man. conny's letter to me made me wanna cry. so sad. and yaye thanks for the pink cow and cookies seniors :D thats probably the last cookie they'll ever give us D; aw manns. its cute! hahaaa. and since ru yue didnt come, tingting nana and i had to eat the muffins we made for her haha... if not it will spoil! yummy hahaa

omg so funny. on thursday ting and na came to my house to bake for the seniors. we read the recipe and it said 100g flour. so we added in normal flour. then when we were done with everything, i saw the ïngredients needed thing and i saw SELF RAISING FLOUR. hahaha omg shit. then we quickly added in some self raising flour :D so the proportions are not quite right. and they said 100g of flour and sugar. i dont hv weighing machine so... ahahahaaaaa. anyhow. sorry ar. but it still tastes yummy hahhaaaaaa.

before that we went out to get the last part of sec 4s gift. AND WE SAW TRUMPETS! SHINY SHINY TRUMPETS! WHEEEE ahahaha... at yamaha :D so cool! shiny! and pretty! but our bach ones are prettier. much much prettier :D i dont like yamaha hahhaaaa. the trumpet was only $600+ hmpf. the cheapest instrument there. actually violin only 150 :D hahaaa. horn was i think... 6000! and sax was also 6000+. cornet was 2000 and sop sax was 6500 i think. ahhhhh. but nvm trumpet was the prettiest :D

lalala... then ya... next wedesday our class gonna sell bubble tea for CIP. come and buy ok. hahahaa. but its not bubble tea. we are using jelly instead. yuck hahhaaa. so i doubt many ppl will buy. lalala...

ohhh! we played in the winter early hours, at the break of gondwana on sat last wk. was nice :D wheee hahhaa. i like that song. ppl hv to tap tuba cases and sing and snap their fingers and say PSHHHHHHHHHHH hahahaa wheee so retarded. luckily trumpets no need to sing :D or we'll die. cos someone will prob make us sing by ourselves yucks.

omg hahaa. mk composed the aces day song thingy. not nice. all perc instruments only. hmpf. typical of him luh. and i dont hear any melody or anything. hahaa even class rep criticised the 'song' hahahahaaa... lalala

ok. bye. :D

3:26 PM

Friday, August 7

omg omg omg

im damn pissed now

dont come near me RAWR

grrrr i makes my blood boil. GAHHHHh go away go away go away. you are so super super super SUPER EXTREMELY pissing and rude GO AWAY GRRRRRR
please stop trying to tell the whole world that you are awesome. ARRRRRR. so extra grrrrrrrr
and dont act like you are so wei da and nice luh please. i know deep inside you love it. grrrrr slap slap slap ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrr

11:06 PM

Thursday, August 6

D; wth. im forbidden ffrom all blogs! whyyyyi can post but i cant read any blogs at all D: tts tragic hahahaha

omg hahahaaa
mr lau is weird. she me RUI JIE. and sheryl XUE LE. kelyn KE LIAN and michelle MI XUE. hahahahaa weird weird weird!
speaking about chinese names, WHY DO ALL MY CH TEACHERS GET IT WRONG? HAHAHAHAH is it not simple enough to read? -.- 玲洁。urgh ... everyone calls me jie ling D; my sec 1 &2 ch teachers, my p1,p5,p6 teachers and even my tuition teacher ahahahahahaaaaa. maybe cos they lazy to read my surname then read from the back cos its easier so they see jie ling hahaha. ok nvm.

hahaha but rui jie is nice! hahahahaahaa i like tt name.


and mr lau didnt tell us there was chem test on wed. he only told us on tues when someone asked if there was. -.- hmmpf
then i had no time to study luh! had band til 6 then tuition til 10. arrrrrrrrrrr. so i'll probably fail it D;

hahah band!
tingting nana how could you abandon me? hmmmpf both of you never come D; hahaha we spent almost two hours warming up. tts half the time gone. playing scales hahaha and arpeggios. wheeee fun fun. then played nice nice dublin dances. wheee i love that song and loch locmond and OVERTURE NO. 1 wheeeeeeee. yaye nic! i photocopied the score alr (finally) but you nv come D; awwwwwww. hahahahaaaa

ahhhhh and today... hmmpf stupid math competition thing. but quite fun and challenging :D very weird questions ar. hahahaha i started tearing paper halfway to do one spastic question. it also made me think many weird things hahahaa. but whatever. it was FUN :D hahahhaaaa. magician with bunnies jumping over magic rivers to houses. the number of rabbits doubles everytime he jumps across the magic river! WOW!!!! :D isnt it awesome? hahahhaaaa
ok... its so late. shucks. national day tmr and some spas scday -.- i wanna skip school D; boo hoo

and why cant i fall sick? i drank the water after cla drank so i should get H1N1 right. but my temperature was like freaking 34.6 when hers was 38.2 D; and now its always 35. something. so cold.... and abnormal hahah ok bye bye

AND WTH WHAT WAS TT FOR? for your beloved probably. hmmpf

10:15 PM

Monday, August 3

ahhhh cla got H1N1!!! D; and she gets holdiday ahahaha... no fair i want the holiday.
oh yaye! blogger's finally normal. means can post pics again ahahahaaa

but how come cla gets holiday. i though she already recovered hahahaha. tts why she can come to school! oh wells. hahaha so funny. mr lau suddenly came in looking so serious and took cla away. anw, get well soon cla! come visit us so we can get holiday! wheeeeeeee.

now everyone in sch is falling sick. i think alot of ppl fell sick after attending 110th anniversary concert/dinner/whatever.
like... the prefects, 2 band ppl. sigh.... now its like.. 24 ppl out of 38 ppl turning up. hahhaa tt was on friday. the class was so empty! quite nice also la. FUN!!! :D
so we didnt really hv lesson YAYE

we watched Hitler for history... and omg. X folded her skirt! she looked so damn grosssssss. eeew. hahaha im slacking so much now. havent handed in lots and lots of hw! HELP. shit
stupid geog project. GRRRRRRi hate projects. its like a nv ending flow of them! everytime we finish one, there's another one. and its always overlapping each other... esp stupid LA. video, newspaper, quotes. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. stupid stupid ppl!

its amazing how feelings for someone can change overnight. ahahahahaaaaa. tsk tsk.

please dont be evil D; boo hoo

friday i skipped library hahahahaaa enough CIP hours alr! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
but so sad. every yr still need to do seven hours. dont know for what hmmph waste our time lorh. ya then discussed children worship stuff withh Jordan. bleh took so long. hahah then couldnt do geog project. D; still chioning it now ahhhh. im scared teo will deduct 10 percent. i hope its just minus half mark per day like mukherji! ahhhh.

and happy birthday dear section/level mates ting ting nana... hahahhaaa wheeeee. TWINNIES! :D lets bake on friday k. hahah handover is on 15th August acc to pat. agh. oh well. alr bought seniors presents :D went with tingting to vivo on saturday after bandd :D hahahaa stupid ezlink cards could not be used so tt made us take a long time D; hahahaaaaa. yuppp
ate subway for lunch cos its was the nearest and fastest we could find. yummy ahahahahaaaa.

yuppp sunday was kaboom thingy. hmmph jordan abandoned dana and i. haha i was so scared... didnt know what to do. ahahahaha. the game was a failure haha i think nobody got it. ok nvm. watched harry potter. wheeee. nice nice :D it captures something so... haha idk ;D but its not the same as other HP films. doesnt feel hogwartsy oor magical. hahaha.i want the dvd! yaye. then can add on to our collection of all the harry potter films ;D wheeee.

haha yaye band tmr. and home ec. and uncounted history revision test :D shall not study wheeeee. ok.... byebyeeeeee

6:46 PM

Thursday, July 30

omg guys/boys are perverts! eeeeeeee
yuck yuck yuckssss
ok not all...eeeew someone's brother goes around smacking ppls butts and others take pictures of naked women's boobs hahahhahaaa grosss.
and someone's bro said tt SOME SENIOR was hot but was flat-.-
omg omg so perverted luh
and my cousin also. gross

today was fun
and abnormal
no real lessons at all
morning was ndp celebrations. someone fainted, broke her neck and teeeth and the ambulance had to come. i tot she died. cos i tot i saw the paramedics cover her face with a cloth.
then maths only a bit off lesson
la slacked in the library and typed weird funny things. hahahaa jessica was in the library too.
then chinese no lessson cos lao shi had to send ppl home. hahaha everyone's falling sick! ytd 6 ppl din come to sch today 4 ppl or 5 ppl nv come. then so many ppl had high temperatures and cla had fever! ahhhhhh and i drank th water after she drank! hahaha nvm i shall get sick too. no need go sch then

ya... chem was hilarious.
we were writing post its then trying to put them into mr lau's pants :D hahahaaa in his pockets i mean.
hahahhaaaa so we kept laughing and lena kept running from her seat to shuqing's seat to stop kelyn and i from putting notes into his pocket ((:
whheeeee i managed to put one in
then mr lau found the note elena put in and then hahahaaa checked his other pocket . we were so distracted i didnt listen to what he was saying hahahhaaa.

then PE we played hockey. only shu jun lena pau shuqing sheryl and i played. ELENA YOU ABANDOND US!hahahahaaaa fun fun! we screamed and laughed til we had no more energy to play properly. then me and qing lied down on the field with worms and ants. hahaha nice and soft!

ahahahaa on tuesday i was so retarded. i tot it was end of sch after home ec so i went to change into pe for band. after i finish changing i heard jenny and felisse mention chem and mr lau then i realised there was still one more lesson -.- hmmmph. then i had to change back to uniform again. i wore everything alr lor. only left my skirt. and sheryl kept laughing. not funny ahhhhhaaa
ok going to play sims 3! wheeeee

and omg. while climbing up the spiral stairs to the staff rm before pe, i was like crawling up on my hands then kym wenyuan and other ppl saw me! aghhh... sherylllll. nv tell me hmmph hahahahaa

5:13 PM

Wednesday, July 29

hahahahaaa ehllo! band ytd was nice nice but the banana muffins we made were even nicer (: wheeee I LOVE MUFFINS!

we got lochlomond score! wheeee. i m playing 1st now. tingting please can i change with you? hahahahaaaaa. 2nd 2nd 2nd! i like tt part ((: wheeeeeee
and merrywidow and disney scores too

sightread noah's ark and st thomas. sucks. hahahhaaaa cant sightread. was lost 86.953% of the time lorh! hahhaaa only when bt sang the melody to us then i got it ((: haahhaaaa
shitty pooo. i need to improve on sightreading. and from now on, the band's gonna warm up in concert A, E, D or something like that ((: so we will become a great band! and be more in tune
and gosh. we have to SING!!! eeeeeee... dont want! but nvm. scbandits are talented ppl. we can sing, act and dance! and play our instruments as well ((: wheeeeee.

yuppp happy birthday pau and grover ((:

eeeee so many things to buy this week. lee rui's bday present, nic an nat's bday present, senior's handover gifts, AHHHHHHH im gonna be broke!
tts... 9 presents in total!!!! GAK

someone please we a kind samaritan and donate $ to me! ahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa

im confused now... nvm i ask the twins ((: TINGTING NANANANNAAAA NAT NIC tell meeee
haha the twins are online together for the firrst time in their lives. i think hahahhaaaaa
and NANA how could you! tsk tsk disgraceful. D; poor ting ting hahahhaaaa ok nvm.

math tuition just now was kinda sucky. yeah. hahahaaa omg i really need to start on geog project alr!!!! due this fri! aghhh

how how how. i havent started. hahahahaaa

we had some stress management thingy talk today. and GASP! i have almost all the side effects/ symptoms of emotional stress! hahahaa diarrhea, stomach pain, muscle ache, flu like symptoms, headache (H1N1!!!!! AHHHHHH) and i keep worrying about things. hahahaaaa.


8:52 PM

Monday, July 27

ahhhh shit. my hair is so screwed. so ugly now. i shall always tie it up hmmmmph. hate it hate it hate it. its so short D; i miss my long wavy swishy tangled hair already. I DIDNT COMB IT FOR 4 MONTHS AHAHAHAHAHAAA. yupp. D; my hair

9:51 PM

Sunday, July 26

Hahahhaaa wheeeeeee 110th ytd was fun fun!

Wasn’t as boring as I tot it would be. But actually more time was wasted. Had no time to study. Whee just waited outside the damn hall for 1 hour and talk and play and prac ): could hv been doing math or geog hw and talking to the twins. Oh well… hahahaaa only managed to take one section photo (sadly without yuting) – BT helped us omg hahahahhaaaa – ya and 2 sec2 trumpets picture. But oh well doesn’t matter. Took lots of funny spastic pics of the twins and pretty trumpet/cornet pics. Wheeeeeeee.
But I don’t think anyone was listening actually. Ppl were still walking in and out of the hall (CANT THEY CLOSE THE DOOR) and kept talking and eating. Tsk. But oh well. At least mrs low was smiling. According to mk, she gv us the thumbs up sign so “if the principal likes us, good things will happen” wheeeeeeee. Hahhahhaaa ok tts all sillly stuff
When we were at island creamery before going back to sch, we saw Abigail and Cheryl wong walking past omg hahahahahaaaa. So scary. But we were the first ones at island creamery. And I dunno why they din on the lights but oh well. Camwhored and tried to print the pictures but ahahahaaaa, we kept turning the machine on and off when abs and Cheryl walked in and out. We didn’t dare take pics in front of them ((: so when they came, we went to the machine. When they left, we went back to the table ((: hahahahaaaa. We did tt 4 times I think ((: then shuqing’s memory card got stuck in the machine! ahhhhhhh then the guy used scissors, knife and tongs to get it out, scary. hahahahaaaa ok

then went to macs for lunch and had seaweed shaker fries ahahahahaaaaa

met abs there again.

so when we went back to school, we warmed up then waited long long for the bus ((: NANA I WANT ------'S ------- hahahahahahahahaaaa i said first D;

wheee we put our band uniforms behind the bus door on the metal pole. then the bus door opened and squashed our unis! D; poor pretty uniform.

reached there we had one whole rm to ourselves. sort of. but there was no wal dividing the other rm and our rm ):
so the stupid violin ppl USED OUR ROOM hhmph. we shouldnt have cleared that space in front.

ya my chair was infront of the water dispenser after the chair shifting. hmmph. so while i was trying to do hw, ppl kept coming to get water and disturbed me -.- esp those pri school girls so annoying.

yeah only did two geog questions.

before that we had to wait 1 hour plus to rehearse so me and twinnies were playing old songs wheeeeeeee abba gold and overture
hahahaa sorry nic i shall go photocopy overture soonnnnnnn.

hahahaha yupp ((:
dinner was quite pathetic i think. two tiny sandwhicheds, two nuggets, two small muffins and a bit of fries?
hmmph we are cheap entertainment.
and we had lunch at 11 somthing in thr morning. then have to last so long then only get so little food. hahahahahaaaa
i think the snacks we ate on the bus back to sch was much heavier than our dinner. even the guy serving 'dinner' at the hotel said tt this was coffee break not dinner. tsk scgs ar....

ya then twins and i went to change ((: we are smart ppl and went to find a less crowded toilet ((: hahahaa and a less smelly one too

but we ran here and there and could not find. and suddenly, a toilet appeared in front of us. LAAAAAAAAALALALALAAAAA

so we took our time to change ((: and i found out tt the twins and my THING ended on the same day! wheeeeee hahahahaaaa howw cool is tt! sec 2 trumpets are cooolio ((: wheeeeee (yaye! FINALLY going out next saturday (: we've been planning it since april and had to postpone it in june cos there was no time and i think also H1N1? ) ahhhhh.... only two weeks or so to get senior's presents D; they are leaving soon! boo hoooooo...
we will miss them. they are largely why the twins and i love band so mucch wheeeeeee. linglijessicaruyueconnymichelleeugenie

hahahahaaa went back to the room and then camwhored ate donuts and praced. before going to the hall for the perf there were fireworks! wheeeeeeee fo scband! i saw green and gold! hahahaaa.. ok fine... its for ne show.

oh and we finally got out section and instrument badges after 1 and a half years. tsk hahahahaaa yaye the trumpet is so pretty! i want to get more of it! can pin on my pencil case and bagggg ((: trumpets trumpet trumpets! cornets are not nice... but i still miss my new cornet. sort of.

yupps our perfwas quite good ((: hahahaa lynette kept passing down messages to sway etc etc etc. ESP DURING SAX SOLI ahahahahahaaaaa.

the bus ride back was filled with laughter and more laughter and funny occurences ((:

i put ab's milk oreo on her seat i tot she sat on it so i kept laughing and laughing and so did the twins. hahahahaaaa but she took i out before she sat -.-
hahahahaaa and nobody wanted the rashes oreos cos arin said that whoever ate it would get rashes ahahahahaaaaaa.
so retarded. and i wanted to sell pocky to charisse and marie for 5 cents. and before that we almost duped them into eating a donut. ONE DOLLAR. hahahahaaa they were about to eat it then twins and i went up to them - one dollar. ahahahahaaa then they didnt want it anymore. gosh. so funnnnnnn
our section's retarded.

ok shall upload photos next time. idk why this laptop cant upload. gahhh after installing the stupid mcafee thingy got all sorts of probs. some anti virus crap this is. and the com is so slow now. and msn keeps having so many probs and IE keeps 'not responding me' GAHHHHHH shall uninstall mcafee. sucks and i cant add colour to my post D;

and thanks cla for the note and chocolate and fionna for the pretty flower ((:

[wheee i still rmb the pretty sunflower seniors gv us for jbf]

wheeee and ytd was a hair swishing day ((: got so many pics of my hair swishing. i shall cut my hair soon. its getting too looonnggg!

2:01 PM

Friday, July 24

hahahahaaa greetings people
im feeling hyper again!!!!! wheeeee
hahahahaaaaa omg luh while walking back home after CIP in school i SAW A BRA ON THE PAVEMENT! outside the chinese school next to SC! hahahaaaa omg gross gross gross!

and i discovered one of my classmate is a lesbian :O yes! a les! eeeeeeew grossss. no wonder she goes around touching everyone and their tables. cant keep her hands to herself! she said so herself on her blog (which maybe we werent supposed to read ahahaha ) eeeewwww gross! see what an all girls school can do to you! tsk ...

hahahahaaaa yaye! 110th anniversary dinner/performance is tmr! whoots finally can perform and get over and done with for asian selections. that song sucks. not nice. and everyone was laughing at band when we played the singapura part ): hmmph and mrs low was also frowning when we came to the philippines part. really, its really dumb and silly. all the other ccas also not really performing anything asian songs/dance what.

hahahahaa we have to be in sch by 12 pm -.- so we have to eat lunch so early! and dinner wil be so late hmmph.
and we have to wait 10 hours to perform for 10 mins. retardedness. but nvm ((: trumpet section shall have fun(: we gonna buy donuts wheeeee and take lotsa pictures during the 10 hours or so. sighhhhhhhhh
the juniors didnt reply so the twins dunno whether to buy for them or not..... tsk hahahahhaaaaaa nvm we shall buy extra in case. then we eat if they dont want or if we really want it... evil laughter ((:

cla shuqing grover ( i think; im not sure ((: ) and i will be going out before 110th hahahhaaaa. our plan is to meet in sch at 9am , go to serene center to eat breakfast at macs hahhahahaaa then camwhore til 10.30 then go newton to eeat lunch ((: hahahaaa then go back to serene center for island creamery! wheeeeeeeee... dunno if we can finish everything by 11.30 to go back to sch but oh well it'll be fun! wheeee

ahhhhhh. must pay fine if my skirt is 7cm above the knees! BUT HOWWWW my skirt is damn short! cnat help it ): they made all the sec 2's band uniform skirt so short like we wont grow taller ): nvm shall use my sis skirt. secretly. bwahahahahaaa shhhh

haha skipping cell tmr for the performance. so waste time. we just sit down there for 8 hours plus, change into band uni, prac one round (maybe) then stone again until perf, eat dinner, then stone until the whole thing end ): waste time ): until 11pm!

i shall be hardworking and bring my hw there to complete. but i'll prolly never get round to it. even if theres too much time n im bored
ok gtg pack band u, court shoes and stockings... AHHHHHH GEL!!!!!! we need to gel hair and powder our face ? D; hmmmph i dont want!!!!!

ooooohhhh ya.. ytd during 'full dress' rehearsal band was warming up then cos after that we needed to clear saliva/condensation. so trumpets cleared then the handbell girls were staring at us in shock hahaha. the look on their face was damn hilarious. me nic and abs kept laughing ((:

6:46 PM

Wednesday, July 22

hahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaa hello there friend! ((:
wheeeeee 110th anniversary dinner is coming soon. in like... 3 days! ahhhhhhhh. sucks. we must wear stockings ):
i cant find my syf ones. SYF! wheeeeeeeee

hahahaaa ok on monday we played pranks on mr teo and mr ang ((: we all hid in the balcony! haha and offed the lights in the classroom so they'll think we're all not in there. but they found out hahaaa. and mr teo helped us play the joke on mr ang too! haha.
ok... i just realised that 4/6 of my PROPER subject teachers are male! bleh. and the female teachers are teaching tthe gross disgusting yucky subjects. LANG ARTS AND CHINESE. bleh sucks

yupp. tuesday! yaye band. theres like... band almost every alternate day now ((: tues thurs and sat! just like prep for SYF ((: and i like it. awww man. we didnt play loch lomond and merry widow ytd. instead, we had sectionals. for almost 3 hours! Lingli came for awhile in the beginning ((: hahaaaaa she helped to tune us. and she saw the picture of ... in my file! ahhhhh.

then after that we played asian selections til.. 4 + and half way i was forced to take sectionals for a few seconds and its WEIRD. hahahahahaaaa i kept laughing and so did nana! NANA WHY YOU NV TAKE! hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa

had 15mins break and then had another 15mins break ((: ooooooh there were dsa ppl! there's one trumpet one! wheeeeeeeeee abs says she can reach TOP C! ARGHHHHHHH hahahaaaa but nvm! ask her to come! and that'll ought to put..... hahahahhaahahaaaaaaa((: >evil laughter<
tingting nana we shall do something about ... next time ((; ahahahahaaaaa
and i saw ernie! (en yi) she came to audition for dance. (but why dance)hahahaaaaaa

after the second consecutive 15mins break we slacked cos we were still not allowed to go back into the band room D; so we went to buy milo ((:
twins and i walked from the dance studio to the car park to and fro and confused some ppl ahahhaaaaa. then we played random songs like blue ridge! and william tell. ahhhh i like those songs. nice nice. then we played high notes and then later i could not play even low F. HAHAHAAAAA
so i played all the notes an octave or sometimes 2 octaves lower during full band ahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

oh ya before drinking milo tpets and fhorns had a blasting contest! hahahaa didn know who won but it was 7 trumpets against 4 horns i think ((: and we played overture 1. and the juniors though we were gonna play asian selections hahahahaaa so they were confused!
hahahaaaaaa i miss sec 4s. OH YA RU YUE CAME TO VISIT US HALFWAY! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE happy happy!

AND GRRRRRRRRRRRRR full band was horrible indeed. couldnt play high so played ow. mk found it weird and made us play part by part! eeks. and i had high high G!
but luckily i managed to squeeze the note out.

today is racial harmony day.
the drama skit was so silly thanks to miss sharon. there was suppsoed to be a solar eclipse which did not happened. it rained in the morning and stopped raining. bleh. i came down and realised it was raining so i had to go up and get umbrella then i came down again it wasnt raining anymore -.- stupid stupid but someone is even more stupid.

hahaaaaa can the school just stop forcing us to take the irritating irritating UNSW australian test? its so irritating.

ok... i really dont wanna play Big Fun in the Sun for japan trip. its not a nice song and ya.... sucks esp with the slow solo.

5:21 PM

Sunday, July 19


6:20 PM

Saturday, July 18

helllo! band today was nice nice ((: very nice ((:yupps (: we sight read 4 pieces, 2 of which were nice! and quite easy (: and lingli and eugenie came! and it was bt who took us instead of mk and today, it was just the 4 of us trumpeters! wheeeeeeeeeeeeee finally! bt said that the band was starting to sound like a junior band cos we've been playing with them hahahaaaaaaaa. me thinks its more fun! can talk more (:

i like loch lomond and merry widow! wheeeeeee...... and it just so happens that im playing loch lomond for piano ((: bt said the ending is loch lomond with irish tune on top ((: quite nice!

hahahaa and merry widow was arranged by our dear friend eiji suzuki! diefledermaus! GOLD!!! ((:

dont like disney song and sprited away ((: its so hard to follow esp disney. haha lingli was playing for me alot (: so many running notes cant read! hahahahaha. i like spirited away's melody but its so weird. the one conny and abs played during open house was much nicer ((:

oh japan trip! i wanna go! the seniors are going too! and we are going disneyland! whooooo! to perform! (if we are accepted ((:) hahahaha we'll be playing die fledermaus! and stupid big fun in the sun ): hahaha i hate big fun. sucks. not nice at all.... tsk tsk

ya... i wanna go japan! SHOPPING AND SNOW! i wanna touchh snoww! snowwwwwwwwwww

snowwy snowwy!

hahahahaa yaye.... and thank you lingli for the chocolates ((:

wheeee ok! byebye! ((:

3:42 PM

me, myself, music


October 2007
November 2007
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009


SCBAND is a GOLD medal band
we rock the house