Wednesday, October 28
hello people! wheeeeee got back average marks today. its a A2 D: 74
oh well most people i know also only got A2 :D yaye! feel less demoralised now.
my marks are horrible!
haha how pathetic is that. 5 A2s and one A1 D: so MAYBE i may not get 3ple science? awww mans i wanna be in the same class as tina! hahahaaaaa
wheeee sec 2 trumpets = tina neoh! :D
but i dont think can. cos tina got so high for average. 80.2 and 78 awwwww
haha ok. streaming idk why but i chose full lit and elect hist it was two subjects i nv thought i would choose at the beginning of the year. hahahaaa but oh well i always do better for history than geog by one or two marks hahahaaaa. hmmm IWANTTOGOJAPANTRIP hahaaa BT say maybe can come back one day early with mrs yeo! hahahaaa BUT SHIT ..... AHHHHHHHHHH D: ask pat
5:21 PM
Wednesday, October 21
haha yaye EOYS are over. but i just hate this asshole. asshole asshole asshole unreasonable freaking asshole. maybe you should just stop it. then i'll stop it. IDIOT. go away. dont come back. actually you have to everyday. bleh. how sad. or maybe just come back later. then i can see less of you. FAT ASSS. stupid loser.
i dont really like my marks D: its quite sad. hahahaaaa except maybe chinese. WHOO! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 2009 AND PROBABLY IN 1 and a half years, I GOT AN A FOR CHINESE! WHEEEEEE. its a miracle! haha and on top of that, i got highest in class (of 6ppl) for chinese hahaha wheeeee. amazing. though cuo bie zi cost me an A1 D: but nvm. im happy i got A2! :D lalalaaaaaa
haha then goeg and history was total rubbish its the lowest i ever got this yr. D: and it's deproving lalalaaa and its the lowest grade i ever got this year and the 2nd lowest in my life (c5/6 for LA in sec 1 D:) hahhaaaaa bleh those were my best two subjects and now they are the worst! heh so maybe me shall take full lit but me scared me fail cos me alr fail poem test for EOY (maybe its just Fern) but then again AF and MOV were amazing. whoopee! :D and will full lit be difficult? D:
hahaaa shit la must decide subject combi by this week ( ME THINKS) and i have no idea what to choose besides trip science hahahaaa damn helppp!! last time i only had to decide hist or geog now theres lit too cos both hist and geog i cant really take hahahaaaaa.
then i was more to full lit and half hist then i saw the hist topics BORING D: but geog also BORING hahaaaa then howwwww i want to do what ah pui did for hist last year. its on the russian revolution me thinks hahahaaaaa. that's more interesting more interesting than SEA and singapore history D:
if its like that i dont mind sbq and seq hahaa but its not lalalaaaa
maths.... AHHHHH i wanna scream. i had 7 (times 1.25 = 8.25) careless mistake marks in paper one D: and 2 in paper 2 add up total is 10.25 marks out of 100 D:
means 73.75+10.25= 84!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHHHHHH
so i lost my A1 too as usual so now i only have one pathetic A1 for science. bleh and now my total CA1 CA2 and SA only has one A1 with an approximate average of 72. not even an A1. so how to get triple science hahaaaa ok nvm then i take bio chem
bleh. but oh wells. ITS HOLIDAY SOON :D
6:42 PM
Monday, October 5
shit i just found out that tmr's not poem -.- its just compre. and poem is tog with AF and MOV. sheeets
8:04 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY POSH! WHEEEEE poshy's two yrs old now! :D cute cute poshy!
hahaaa ok geog i dieded. i went for exam without studying the last chapter. hahahaaa DIE. and i minus 20+ marks alr. nv finish D: sad. i didnt finish 2 lorms. anyway i dont really know how to do hahaa. cos i cant memorise anything la. lang arts. omg i should have memorised the essay from TLL. its the exact same compo question. POWER. hahahaa. i wanted to do it cos i rmbed some points for POWER. but i dun hv the stats. so ya. i think me will fail LA too.
the only paper im confident for is.... poem /compre test and chem paper, which, unfortunately, is lumped together with the other terrible sciences.
hahahaaa i really wanna take JUST CHEM! wheeeeee
oh and thanks conny for the MOV notes :D hahahaaaaa\ shall shower, eat and then memorise cheena stuff. or history. or maybe do some langarts speech thing. yupps. or watch 9 o clock show! HAHAHAA OK BYE
7:28 PM
me, myself, music Rachel