the awesomest section anyone could have
abigail; natalie;jessica;ruyue;nicolette;constance;me;lingli;michelle;eugenie;MRLUN
waiting to go into the tuning room; trumpet section
from left: marvin khoo;ruyue;michelle;jessica;constance;eugenie;lingli;natalie;me;nicolette;abigail
haha i have no idea why this picture is so small and blurry
but its the whole trumpet section after SYF!
whole band minus me and twins after SYF performance! ):
band camp
last row from left: abigail;nicolette;natalie;me
2nd row: michelle;eugenie;jessica
1st row: lingli;constance;ruyue
section outing
from left: jesseca;constance;michelle;nicolette;lingli;ruyue;me;abigail;natalie;eugenie
section outing
from left: jessica;constance;michelle;nicolette;lingli;ruyue;me;abigail;natalie;eugenie
section pictures...
esomest section ever