The shirt’s gonna be cute
And UN-EMO...
Like the previous band shirts
Except the nice pretty brown one...
I dun like black... tees (:
Yaye! I think i will love this band tee very much!
Shuxin’s gonna design the front part to match this (:
And i tot Eugenie designed this haha
And there was another cute cute one... with ‘potatoes’ sitting in a semicircle w a conductor [too skinny to be BT, but handicapped like BT] in front
Was quite cute too! I think Erika designed it
Ya. The hands were like half cut off(: so he’s handicapped! Haha
I think tt tuner is so cute!
Haha this blog post has so many pictures
Yaya! Then today! Also a happy day but not as happy as yesterday though more fun in a way but yet not and less time so called wasted i think or maybe not since I had to go library
Went for band prac for about... 45 mins?
Played with SILLY shuqing outside...
Ran through overture 1 then did DF... we didn really finish the whole song cos we were all playing syncopation and didn know where each other were (:
So played JBF songs... (:
Then we polished our instruments haha...
Then... sssshhhh
I tried her horn and i cud reach... the C[horn] tt i cudn play last yr... luckily i cudn play, or i wud’ve gotten into horns instead of trumpets!
N maybe shuqing wudn hv went to horns haha
And she tried my trumpet and she cud reach high C[tpet] so easily. [no fair… sometimes I even have probs playing middle/low E you know -.-]

She said she luved trumpets! Seeeeee… SILLY, trumpets are nicer than horns… and trombones OF COURSE!
Before tt i ate lunch with CRAZY clarissa.
Shuqing was right haha...
She takes a loooong time to eat (:
While waiting for her, i spent all my money on food haha...
Then after tt went to buy apple juice... the queue was so long and i saw Rachel in front so i asked her to help me buy haha...
Feel quite mean
You know that aunty was so slow, my poor junior had to wait like... 30 mins(!!!) just to but her sandwich ): so long!
I saw her queuing up already when i went to buy waffles (1st part of lunch)
I finished eating and went to return my plate
She was still there
I went to but sushi
She was still there
I think the aunty shud really hurry up luh...
Thank u Rachel! [junior](:
Tmr 有auditions liao!
怎么办呢。我没有信心. [issit correct Chinese haha]

oops MK’s constipated, worried face
How how howwwwwwwwww
I hope I get in! I hope the WHOLE trumpet section gets in… cos we’re MARVellous haha {shirt design thing}
I hope the whole BrANDo gets in hahahaha