Tuesday, May 27
i shall not put in post titles animore. so mar fun.
aniway, i'm not s'posed to be blogging, again! but i just can't focus luh. dun wanna do friggin lang arts SHIT. i'm still pondering over whether to change the damn blogskin. i can change it durin the 2 days my family will be gone for church camp. but it'll be TROUBLESOME! aiyah... BYE!
i LURVE trumpets!
12:48 PM
Friday, May 23
yay! it's e holidays... yay! haha... means band camp is nearing n i still dun hv a friggin song to play. damn. i dun wan another solo so i hope i can play a duet w natalie! ;D i'm band obssessed. bleh.... haha BYE!
8:07 PM
Wednesday, May 21
today... i made lipstick... it STINKS lyk those cheena medicated oil... YUCKZ. who will use it??? stoopid arse cosmetics science.
7:22 PM
shit... i haven't finished my e-learning... n i'm blogging. i hate e-learning. it SUCKS... wtf. it oni hapls e school save $. no school, no use of electricity, water, paper ---- SAVE MONEY. so WE stay @ home, waste electricity N paper by printin out SHIT. ASS the school.
i lurve tpets
11:37 AM
Tuesday, May 20
Hallo! haha... cosmetics science was fun! we made sunblock today. tmr we're gonna make lipstick! haha... i made RED sunblock by accident n it cud keep the UV rays from e UV beads for 7 MINS 15 SECONDS! whoot! haha... almost as long as the one my group made PROPERLY. hmmm..... BYEZ...
10:55 AM
Monday, May 19
haha... i'm so stupid.
n i went to school thinking there was Cosmetics Science, just becoz SOMEONE told me it was on monday... FREAK!
aniway... i'm not s'posed 2 be blogging but i JUST dun hv aniting else to do. i dunno how to study so i dun STUDY so it is a wonder how i got 2*8 for my PSLE... wtf. hmmm... i dun even hv ani assesment bks. i oni hv ONE measly Math bk... which is useless... BAH... HALP! >.<
3:26 PM
Sunday, May 18
hello... haha. had Band yesterday. n tt mr brando tan made me play e friggin solo. i was lyk shivering n i cud not play properly. i tried to play e G but it just came out as FARTING sounds. he sez it's coz i dun hv enuf AIR. true... but i tink it's more e embrochure. haha... i oso hv a friggin prob w my embrochure. i'm s'posed 2 'roll' in my lips n play... but i friggin CANT. e twins can... so i dunno why... it'll make me squeeze even more. the way i'm playin is lyk juz anihow blow. NO proper embrochure. i'm not even usin e other 'proper' way tt constance n eunice taught me! - say 'M' n dunno do wad else. n lyk de souza sed, it IS stopping me from playing higher notes. wah... HALP!
i hv to decide if i wan to go Band Camp or Church Camp in ... malaysia(???). i wan to go Band Camp but i'll hv to play a song 16 bars long n i dunno wad to play :(. oso, i'll hv to stay ALONE at home for... 3 days? IF i go church camp, i won't be able to go Band Camp n which means i'll be e worst tpet/cornet player coz they r gonna 'teach us many skills n wadeva CRAP.' BAH...
there is another alternative, 2 : go band camp for 1st 2 days, leave @ nite. OR go for e full Band Camp n e nxt day, follow some 'stranger' from church to malaysia. wah...
i sort of want to stay @ home n not go church camp so i'll hv Porsche ALL to myself for... 2/3 days. but hving to play a song is STOPPING me from doing tt... dilemma, dilemma. Freak!
3:14 PM
Thursday, May 15
Haha... NOBODY seems to know what the tpet DSA person's name is... Leanne does not know, Abigail and Eugenie both 4got! haha... :P aniway, went to school today for GIS Volcano module... it was ok. it was not very fun. haha. been usin e computer the whole day! i'll end up having to wear spectacles PERMANANTLY. not tt i dun wear them now. i'm s'posed to wear em but i can't be bothered to. i oni wear them sometimes, :P haha. when i wore them to band, Natalie lost her glasses n when Constance came in, she was lyk... "did u lend her ur glasses?" haha :P aniway... gotta do FRIGGIN elearning now. BYE!
4:41 PM
Tuesday, May 13
Haha... I added the song... but it doesn't work THAT well... haha... it plays again when u click on '3' so... it is very messy. i'll delete it or change it. aniway, haha... CRAP there's no BAND on Thursday... shitz!
Leanne sed the DSA people came 2day... i wonder if there are ANY tpet recruits! haha... hmmm, oh! n I joined LIBRARY... it is not exactly fun but u get CIP hours :) Shi Xuan didn believe tt i joined... haha. Stupid Oon... :P OH!!! n my fellow tpet mates r in Library too! haha... - Natalie n Nicolete.
6:18 PM
Monday, May 12
Stupid sister! that IDIOT of a SARAH NEO............ bah!!! she slammed the phone down on Elena Banana n Rui Pau! Ass her. Idiot
7:20 PM
Sunday, May 11
i dun lyk e solo................................................ aniway, yesterday, we had band prac. we had freakin drills in the morning. i HATE drills. but haha... the sec3s came one by one to command us for a short while. n when Eugenie came... haha. she made all of us laff.
Later, durin combined with THE de souza, we played BEYOND THE HIGHLANDS. that is where the solo is. when we got to my solo, i didn play. after that, de souza was lyk: "you all heard that nice silence??? that was Rachel's solo." bah!!! haha. after that, the 2nd time, i oni played the 1st 2 notes of the solo. On the 2nd note, i was supposed to play 'A' but i cudn pitch n i played a 'E'. so... i stopped n started laffing. OH! n de souza oso scolded e TRUMPET n CORNETS section. he sed tt if we didn play loud n PUSH air, he wud transfer all of us to e percussion section. Stupid him. i dun wanna change section. i luv e trumpet and cornet]....
The Trumpet:
The Cornet: 
5:18 PM
Thursday, May 8
CRAP. i'm playin the trumpet SOLO for Junior Band Fest. i can't even play the normal part properly... n i hv to play the SOLO!!! haha
10:27 AM
Tuesday, May 6
i was thinking of my past CCAs in primary school... Dance + Choir.
i miss them :(
haha... i dun really lyk the primary section of SC though. haha... if i had gotten a higher aggregate, i wud hv went to Dunman High. :)
n crap! my grades are dropping.
aniwayyyyyyy... i'm glad i joined band. it is equally fun as dance n choir.
yep... Band...Choir...Dance ...all related to music.
i luv music.
but i HATE piano. i still hv piano lessons every wednesday[uh-oh... thats tmr]. i dun wan to quit cos i started learning since... 5 yrs old so i find it is a waste to give piano up... just lyk i quit dance... shuddn hv. BUT i just can't bring myself to sit down n practice. it is boooring:)
aniway... haha. i remember the first time we [natalie, nicolette, ruyue n me] had combined band prac w e seniors, Eugenie tried to blast into my ear :) lol. i heard a blowing sound n i turned around n i saw Eugenie trying to blow... haha. good thing she didn. or i wud hv gone deaf :)
BAND is fun!
but i still miss DANCE + CHOIR
4:55 PM
Sunday, May 4
i dunno why... i keep changing my favourite songs!!! First, it was Stickwitu by the Pussycat Dolls, then it was Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie. Next, i liked Potential Breakup Song by Aly and AJ. After that, it was Because of You by Kelly Clarkson. Recently, it was Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. *lol* it's the theme song for Pantene. ..
"feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in, no one else, no one else, can speak the words on your lips, drench yourself with words unspoken, live your life with arms wide open, today is, where your book begins, the rest is still UNWRITTEN,"
that was the chorus! *lol*
aniway... i'm pissed[again] with ******. BAH!!! she is sooo...
Oh! and the puppies at the pet shop are soooooo cute! there's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel [my Angel J has that breed], a Westie and a Corgi. They are sooo cute! i never got to play with the Westie though... :( it was sold when i went there today. the CKCSpaniel is oso sold... but the qwner left it there for one week. :) it is sooo super cute. it is... oni lyk, 25cm long n lyks to eat it's shit!!! also, he is enemies with the Corgi. The Corgi is sooo FAT! but cute. But it lyks to bite the CKCSpaniel so... they fight! *lol*
gtg now... BYE
4:42 PM
Saturday, May 3
Oh! i got back my report book. i did surprisingly OKAY... but it is still bad. overall i got 71.7. i tot it was quite ok. at least i didn FAIL. poor ah xuan... she failed her history. i NEARLY failed my Lang Arts... oh! n i 4got my eproggres password. i remember it was porsche but i just can't log in. STUPID LAR... aniway, here's my SUCKING results. the oni thing i'm pleased with is GEOG. oh! n i LYK bio. NOT mr Sim. he sweats on his chest yuck. Mel sez it's e chest hair... *lol*.
aniway... my results:
LA: 53.2
CL: 71.2
GE: 81.5
HI: 71.o
MA: 76.8 second best subject. haha... it was my BEST. EL was 2nd, but as u can c... it has dropped to be the WORST
SC: 76.5
AVE: 71.3
shocking! no offense, but even ******* did better than me - her highest mark was higher... by 5 marks... than my highest!... HALP!!!
help!!! my grades are dropping! n i dun wanna go to a bad class... i wanna stay with my frens who all seem to be doing fine... :(
3:34 PM
aniway, gtg send e email to ms sharon. BYE!!!
2:36 PM
Thursday, May 1
Anyway, me n Ah Xuan r @ Rui Pau's house doin the friggin' PERANAKAN PROEJCT. i HATE it.
oh and i dun wan to go home. i wish i cud stay here 4 ever.
tis entry is gonna be short. coz i dunno wad else to type. so... aniway. gonna straighten out the loose ends of my BLOG. *lol*
4:49 PM